Email Solutions

E-mail Solutions
If checking your E-mail means deleting dozens of offers for baldness cures, weight-loss products, and vacation time-shares, you already know how annoying bulk E-mail advertising can be. What you may not know is that this type of E-mail, also known as spam, can actually end up costing your business money in lost bandwidth and employee productivity. Since more than half of all E-mail traffic is spam that cost can mount quickly.
Stop Spam in its Tracks
So, is your business doomed to sink under a flood of spam? Not at all! With specialized spam-filtering solutions, including desktop and server software and hardware, you can stem the tide before it gets out of control. Robec – Computer Services is ready to help. We have the technical and business expertise to craft the perfect anti-spam and web content-filtering solutions for your needs, utilizing Sonicwall® products or linux servers.